the garbage picking alley kats

Why are you here? have you not kept up on the page??? PUNK.

*3-25-01* 1:58 am:

warning: no matter what your boyfriend says, sucking dick is not good for a sore throat.

damn i'm fucking sick. i thought i was gonna die at work tonight... brent and evo1 came in and i gave brent a hug and started crying. and then ran back into the kitchen. woo hoo. i miss c0rr... dammit. i wish he was here. then we could go to sleep and be with each other all night like last night... :( i love you babe, if you read this before i get to see you tomorrow! ack. i'm not sure if i'm making sense, so i'm going to bed.

*3-21-01* 10:35 pm:

holy shit... only a couple more months and i'm out of highschool. damn that's cool. i had to order my cap and gown today... phucked up i tell ya. damn.

oh man... i'm getting fucking tired... and it's only like 10:50... i must be getting fucking old. :( if anybody's looking for a good movie, rent SFW (Reese Witherspoon, Joey Lauren Adams) it stands for So Fucking What... it's about these people who go to get beer and end up getting held up in a quickstop kinda place. it's kinda funny in a twisted, parody of media, kinda way... and there's guns and shooting, so it's got some action... and sex. lotsa sex. well, not lots, unless you count implied sex... i think there's one really good sex scene and the other one's are ok.

*3-18-01* 9:35 pm:

my sex life has taken an interesting turn this week ::winks at c0rr:: (well i would have if he was here) all i'm gonna say is handcuffs and showers.... oh yeah. playschool vibrating electric razors.
well i'm about dead since i just got home from work... so this update is gonna be another short one.. but atleast i actually updated. i've been way too busy/lazy to update lately :(

*3-17-01* 12:16 pm:

i'm kinda hungry yo. i don't know what i want... not kitty food, that's for sure. that stuff was making me gag when in mixed it in with the meow mix. ick. ick ickickcickcickickckckck. rocky horror tonight! whoo hoo. gotta call laurie lou and see if she wants to go still.

*3-13-01* 10:01 pm:

i got a kitty! finally :) and i only had to hide her from my mom for about 4 days... she found her today and freaked, but fell in love with the cat imediately... oh man, i'm forgetting what little i knew of html.. damn. that sucks lol. well, i went to cabella's today on a feild trip for marketing.. almost fell asleep on my feet it was so boring. the whole time i was craving a cigarette and a couple kids from my class went out and smoked on the side of the building, but they couldn't find me before they went, so they went with out me.... oh yeah, evo1, bonsai stair kitties rule.

*3-1-01* 3:19 pm:

coulda sworn i just updated a couple days ago... the 28th to be exact... but i guess i forgot to save or something cause it misteriously disappeared... well mary's been considering updating on kat-atonic... but we'll see if she ever really takes the time to do it. i'm figuring she'd bring some content to my contentless page... couple new g/b entries. whoo hoo thanks :) people still show up to my site sometimes. neat. maybe i'll go try to add some content.....

*2-8-01* 12:38 pm:


Subj: How about a sexy photo shoot??? ;-)
Date: 2/7/2001 1:35:15 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: *******
Are you one of those girls that's up for ANYTHING?... What do you think of this?:
I am an amateur photographer in Toledo and I would very much like to do a sexy photo shoot with you.
Absolutely no modeling experience necessary. In fact, it's actually better if you've never done anything like this before. All that is required is for you to be a REAL girl in the Toledo area DARING enough to bare it all for the camera.
Alcohol consumed before/during the photo shoot (if desired) is on me. I can provide you with hardcopies and scanned images of the photos in return for your time OR a cash modeling fee. (Signed model release required for cash payment.)
Copies of your new sexy photos make the perfect surprise for that special someone in your life. And the scanned JPEGs are great for trading with online "friends."
You may bring a friend to your shoot, either as off-camera support or to join you in front of the camera.
So, what do you think? Feeling bold? E-mail me ASAP at ******** now and we'll set up your shoot!

uh. yeah. i'm gonna do that. how about "fuck no"? <.sarcasm>hell yeah!!he even supplies the alcohol!! and i could bring a friend!<./sarcasm> gr. that's nuts. anyway, ROCKY HORROR ON SATURDAY@!!!!!

*2-6-01* 12:03 pm:
"and flash gordan was there in silver underwear"

look i have a fan sign :) thanks theeph!

well, c0rr finally convinced me to rent Rocky Horror Picture Show and i've quickly become obbsessed.... i'm looking forward to going to see it saturday in Bowling Green! whoo hoo. can't wait. atleast that's one good thing about me being on probation at work, i get saturday off :)

02/04/01 08:27:52 GMT
Name: Erin
MY URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Location: Canada
Comments: Argh well, I feel bad for lashing out at a complete stranger. Maybe you have good qualities that aren't apparent by your webpage. I shouldn't take out my anger on you. You just have no talent for this type of thing. It isn't your thing. I apologize for hurting your feelings. It isn't you I don't like. It's your sorry excuse for a webpage. I'm sure you're a great person and all the hostility towards your boyfriend must be part of some private joke. He seems to enjoy it. Far be it for me to pry into a personal problem. At least you can laugh at your faults. I won't post here anymore. I have a conscience. I'll find another technopeasant to make fun of. take care :)

(Erin the canadian used to have sites against me for some crack head reason, but they're down now) Kat-atonic is the idiot of the week!

Visit Kat-atonic's special section on! Stupidity damn, i finally archived and now i have TOO much god damn space. gr. i can't win. and i'm too lazy to put the old stuff back on the page. i think i'll just watch rocky horror one more time before i have to take it back....

*2-03-01* 1:59 pm:
well, we have yet another visit from Canadian Erin chickee... seems she just can't get enough of my fucking site. why do you keep coming her? if you don't like it, don't waste your time.

02/03/01 03:22:53 GMT
Name: Erin
MY URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Location: Canada

Comments: Okay, I'm back because I heard there was a reply to my guestbook entry. I'm posting in here again because I am so fucking amused.

glad to have amused you.

You are not cool because you say "color". You are less so.

oh shit, what am i gonna do??? i'm not cool b/c i don't spell color with a "u".

Colour is derived from the original English language, the one made in ENGLAND, that's why it's more correct that "color".

the english language made in ENGLAND??? oh man, no wonder.. i was thinking about the one made in germany. <.sarcasm>jeez, do i feel like an idiot.<./sarcasm> neither one is more "correct" one is just more commonly used in america (color) and one just tends to annoy me (colour)

Damn rights we're cool, but I won't get into the whole patriotism argument, I'll just be content in the reassurance that I have better vocabulary than you do.

yeah, cause i know my webpage is where i go to show off my vocabulary. canada is a neato place, but when i went there (which was only once a long time ago) it didn't seem much different then the US... prob is though, i don't know much about canada.

I have been known to help people who are beginning in HTML with their pages, but not people who think they have the most interesting life on the internet. You don't. I despise this holier than thou attitude.

frighteningly enough, i'm not that new at HTML. saying that i'm not new at it, doesn't mean i don't suck at it though. just that i've been making websites on and off for a couple of years. if i had the most interesting life on the internet, don't you think more people would come to my site??? people don't care about my life, they don't give a shit what i did today. my updates are more for myself then anyone else... the whole website is something i like to do in my free time... it's fun, it keeps me occupied if i get bored... lets my mind rest a bit after work. stuff like that. shit dude, i am so much better then you! j/k. sorry.

I stayed and viewed your entire site because I was awestruck of the idiocy it contained. I don't have my site linked up here because I know you'll come and try your attempt at bashing my page and I would like to spare you the embarrassment.

i'd like to thank you for keeping me from embarrassing myself.. cause i was going to go right to your website and rip it apart. i didn't want to check it out to see what kind of person you were, and if your really as elite as you think you are... no, i didn't want to see if you were the kind of person i would rather try to get along with then bitch at... nah, that wouldn't be my style.. i'd just check it out and be like "oh my god, i was so offended by your site, i don't really know you at all, but you suck at HTML and your a stupid egotistical bitch who doesn't deserve her boyfriend." cause i'm prejudice like that.

And, since you're a bit too dense to realize it, "Jesus H. Christ" was an exclamation of disgust, not a signature.

yes. i realize that.

Theeph may not have written any literary works on your site, but I know him quite well, and I can honestly say he's one of the best people I know, and having him post in your guestbook gives your page an tiny bit of interesting material.

i thought it was great when i saw theeph had visited my site. but you saying that his signatures were the best or something, really didn't make sense.. he didn't say anything profound or anything... and it wasn't really interesting material. they were just guestbook entries.. but i suppose if that's what you find interesting, who am i to say it's not? maybe if you were saying that was interesting, it would make sense... /me is sitting here wondering why she's even replying.

There is one thing I'd like to take back however. I don't think you should delete your page. On the contrary, keep doing what you're doing. I'd love to see you try to bash my opinion once again, you didn't do very well last time.

sorry i didn't do very well last time, i'm not very good at it. i usually don't go out of my way to insult people. seems your giving me some practice though....

Stop trying to be honoured ( ahhhh honoured) when I know you're upset because someone doesn't like you.

your right, i do get upset when someone doesn't like me. who knows why

I know how your type works.

no. you don't. that's a mighty egotistical assumption.

You are hardly unique.

thanks for the vote of confidence.

Remember that. As a side note, "Willis Bean", if you ever visit again.. but having a higher IQ than you does not make me a "dork".

how would you know if you have a higher IQ than will? he was just pissed that you decided it was your duty to bitch slap my website, and insult me, out of fucking nowhere.

I may be bored enough to post on here, but I probably have a more active social life than you may ever experience. Feel free to e-mail me and explain how I am a "dork bitch". I am not a bitch because your friend is a Technopeasant.(thanks again.) Perhaps I'm a bitch for pointing it out though. And er, "kat", Ph33nds rocks your socks, don't ever think they don't.

never thought they didn't. just because i don't like you (which i would assume that would be understandable, considering you contacted ME, insulting ME.) doesn't mean i don't like the people you're friends with. i've been to a couple of times and was highly's all about the raver pron yo. :)

other than that.. not much happened. theeph emailed me... amusing i must say.. i think it was in response to Canadian Erin Chickee's whole "Theeph may not have written any literary works on your site, but I know him quite well, and I can honestly say he's one of the best people I know, and having him post in your guestbook gives your page an tiny bit of interesting material." i didn't really think about it before i read my guest book.. so i just replied with something stupid about a great dane raping a girl's dead body. what's with that kondemned junk? i don't get it. oh well.

(oh, i just read pheends, i guess he chose my site to pick on... cool.. i'll try to make a fan sign when i get off work at frickin 1:00 AM tonight...)

*2-01-01* 3:23 pm:
happy february!! guess what? i'm updating off of Diva :) my beautiful computer. i <3 her. the moniter keeps going a little crazy... i don't know. weird. i'll have c0rr check it out and see what's up... this is so nuts! i'm updating off of MY computer! hell yeah. kick ass and a bottle of rum. er well, no bottle of rum, but still kick ass. gtg to work.

*1-31-01* 11:48 am:
read the history on pretty interesting shit. :) don't really have much to say, bored as usual. i think i figured out the other reason i stopped updating for awhile.. nothing interesting has been happening. nothing real amusing or anything. work, school... c0rr. goodwill. slicing up defenseless stuffed animals to make me a fur coat...

*1-30-01* 1:46 pm:
sweet, i finally got some feedback :) even though it was just a guestbook entry and not an email like i've been begging for.

01/28/01 09:48:42 GMT
Name: Erin
MY URL: Visit Me
Location: Canada
I hardly ever take personal offense to a website but I have officially taken offense to yours. Not only do you have absolutely no interesting content whatsoever, you have absolutely no talent in HTML coding, you use multiple colours for text, you can't spell worth shit, along with dozens and dozens more errors on your part. Usually I would just view a website like yours, then laugh and move on. However, you have just bothered me far too much with everything that's on here. You seem to be a snobby bitch to your boyfriend, not that it's any of my business I think he'd be better off with a fucking cow than with you. Christ. The only text with any worth is the guestbook entries Theeph left here. Who knows why he would grace this site with his presence but hey, I graced it with mine too. Do me a favour and take a class in HTML, or just give up on this idea of the internet. Jesus H. Christ.

after some butterscotch shnapps, i've come to the conclusion that i will become a better person from this g/b entry. hold on, i think i need a little more to help along my "enlightenment".... ok. first of all HELL YEAH I FINALLY OFFENDED SOMEONE@!!! took me long enough. i now feel i have entered the e/n community. yeah. not only was this chickee offended, but she was PERSONALLY offended. more points for me. my lacking talent with HTML has been obvious since i started this beautiful page.... but it's a learning experience, not like i'm born knowing it. although that would be cool. regarding my "multiple coloUrs" eh, i like them. and with the spelling issue.... pirsonnaly i dont giv a shitt. the few people who read my page either:
a) couldn't tell the difference
b) don't care, cause they can figure it out
i have been told many time's that i'm a bitch to my boyfriend, but for some ungodly reason he's still with me... so i must be doing something right. plus, i don't think i've been a bitch on anything that's currently on this page, so chickee musta stayed long enough to check out my older stuff. but why? who knows.
i actually asked him to blow a goat once... he said he'd do it, but only if there were pictures. or something. it was a while ago. as for the guestbook entries th33ph left me, i don't see how they were as great as she seems to think they were. they consisted of "rape?" and something about me linking dagimp and him losing all respect for me. (which means he woulda had to have some in the first place to lose) oh yeah, chickee didn't even link a site for herself... which means she either doesn't have one or she's just too chickIn shit to link it...i just love it when people think they're all elite and use words like "colour" and "favour"... here in america, we just say color and favor. but she prob wouldn't know what that's all aboot, eh? damn canadian. actually canada's pretty cool, just has those random bad apples... hell they have "degrasi high" so they gotta be ok. thanks Erin/Jesus H. Christ for gracing me with your entry in my guest book.

reason for lacking in updates: been trying to actually learn something :) or as c0rr would say "i'm gettin my learn on"

*1-22-01* 12:33 pm:
shit, i really didn't know it had been this long since i updated. gr. guess i just haven't been in the updatin' mood for a bit. seems th33ph has some problem with me having dagimp linked or something? don't know why, don't care i suppose. well i psuedo updated. off to take a llllonnnngggg shower :) bye

*1-13-01* 12:03 pm:
grrr i think is down for some reason.. so if it's not back up in a bit, i guess i'll stick my "banner" at the top of the page.... oh man, last night at work was interesting... lol a little ego boost for yours truly... a 24 year old guy came through drive thru and was hitting on me.. then there was "jim" the 22 year old who had an interesting way of indroducing himself....
"hi i'm jim"
"i'm ali, sorry i can't shake your hand or anything, i've got vanilla all over them"
"that's ok, a kiss will do."
twas pretty amusing i must say. :) my face turned red and i mumbled something about making an italian soda.... lol. that's what sucks about being a red head. the second you get surprised or embarrassed about something, all the blood rushes right to your face. gawr. i'm debating whether or not to go get cigarettes.... "they don't scream and they don't moan, won't even cry if i shoot in their hair, lying on the table she's smiles and she stares, cause i can do what i want and they won't complain... i wanna fuck i wanna fuck the dead" whoo hoo TSOL rules. lol. gr i used to have a free voice mail service. but now i can't figure out where i got it or anything.... i wanted to stick it on the page. :(

*1-12-01* 2:33 pm:
well i'm gonna go take a nap in a few... here's an interesting fact...
today in 1915 - Congress rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote.
oh yeah this is crazy.. dumbass cops trying to save people, but end up killing someone else...

Click here to see the story or read below

Teen Dies After Trooper Crashes Into His Car Officer Was Chasing Drunken-Driving Suspect

WARREN, Ohio, Updated 9:16 a.m. EST January 12, 2001 -- One person died Thursday in a car crash involving an Ohio state trooper and a high school student. NewsChannel5 reports that the crash occurred early Thursday morning in Warren. The trooper was chasing a drunken-driving suspect when he hit another car, driven by 18-year-old Joseph Robertson, who was killed. An 18-year-old passenger in Robertson's car was in serious condition Thursday evening. The drunken-driving suspect was eventually caught, WEWS reports.

oh man, found some kickass sites :) i'll link them later, prob after work.. gotta close tonight.. sucks. byyyyeeeee

*1-10-01* 10:08 pm:
i actually put some cam pic's on my fan club site.. although i think they make me look like a monkey. gr. eh oh well. i changed as many *.bmp's to *.gif's as i could find... cause i had a bunch of bitmaps on my page for some dumb reason. Daign scared me with his Crissa (i think) review.. cause she's really new to the net and he still reviewed her.... i mean, i thought he was pretty much just doing people who were getting really big, but i would assume she's not yet? hopefully i'm safe for quite some time.. although the # of members in my fan club was kind of crazy... lol not like nay's or anything :) i've got like 37.. but that's a fricken lot. before it was pretty much just people i know.. why are you people joining my fan club???? there's not really anything there! interesting. i guess the people in my fan club are cool.. dunno, don't know most of them... prob a bit pathetic, just cause they joined my club... but that's ok. i think i was gonna start ranting about the whole media thin image thing.. but i'm way too lazy to actually go to my rant page. plus it's been done. i wanted to rant about how people get pissed at the people who are really thin, i get pissed at the people who encourage it... but i'm not going into it now... (i prob won't later either.. i don't really feel that strong about it, crossed my mind when i was driving home from work today...)

did you know there is 7 fucking grams of fat in a slice of swiss cheese?????! that's as much as like 16 slices of lunch meat. wtf.

*1-8-01* 7:16 pm:
i was driving back from visiting my grandma and heard this spiffy song on punkrama2.. i had heard it before, but i didn't really listen to the lyrics.... for your viewing pleasure, here's the lyrics to TSOL's Code Blue.....

I never got along with the girls at my school
Filling me up with all their morals and their rules
They’d pile all their problems on my head
I’d rather go out and fuck the dead
‘Cause I can do what I want and they won’t complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
Middle of the night so silently
I creep on over to the mortuary
Lift up the casket and fiddle with the dead
Their cold blue flesh makes me turn red
‘Cause I can do what I want and they won’t complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead
And I don’t even care how she died...
But I like it better if she smells of formaldehyde!
Never on the rag or say leave me alone
They don’t scream and they don’t moan
Don’t even cry if I shoot in their hair
Lying on the table she smiles and she stares
‘Cause I can do what I want and they won’t complain
I wanna fuck I wanna fuck the dead

something creepy happened on reynold's road last night.... a chick got raped by a guy in a skimask and a knife... no joke. mighty disturbing.. especially after my night... errrr yeah. crazy shit goes on in the dark :) but they're still looking for the guy....
my marketing teacher's retarded. we are studying a chapter on how managers should treat they're employees fairly and not let certain people do stuff and then not let the others. well, this chick (who shall remain nameless) and i were both absent on friday... and she asked if she could take her test (which was today) tomorrow morning before school cause she didn't study... (and she asked right in front of me) stupid bitch marketing teacher said that she could.. then i asked and she said i had to take it today. plus i have to go in early to work in the store anyway, so it would have been VERY convenient for me to take the damn test...

*1-8-01* 1:56pm:
man, i'm getting into bad habits again.. haven't updated in about a week! shit. well, i've been online on and off, just haven't had time or energy to update.. cause i have a lot of junk i want to do to some of the pages on here... and i didn't feel like starting it yet...working on "an hour in the life of willis"

look at this spiffy pic Eternal Monkey made for his cam.... what a nice guy.... I'm NOT A FUCKING CAM GIRL, SUCK MY BIG TOE.

*1-3-01* 12:20pm:
i feel pretty damn spiffy :) i'm on the e/n webring and i'm FIRST!! whoo hoo. i rule. j/k. maybe that's b/c i'm the newest? er oh well. i'm cool for a bit. it'd be cool if i stayed like that... if you go back on the ring, you go to the owner's site. oh man brb, gtg turn up the heat.... i should write a song about evil scones taking over the world. that would be cool. god dammit it's still really collllldddd. got napster up... haven't downloaded any new songs in quite sometime.. i wish i could go on my new computer... gr. downloading songs by the weakerthans and selby tigers. and now huggy bear. i could use some fricken E-Mail if anybody wants to send me some. it's kinda upsetting that i go to my mail box every day and just have a buncha shit mail. i'm gonna start sending out random hate mail, so i get SOMETHING interesting to read in my box.

*1-2-01* 1:49pm:
the nausia has control... it's dancing around in my stomach, with the sanity it stole. i'm sorry if i get sick all over your nice leather shoes, i don't mean to be a nuisance.... there's not much i can do. each morsel of food, each drink from a cup, is tending to find its way back up, it's not that i don't have an appetite, and i can't let the nausia win, so i take a brand new bite, but just can't keep it in. i think i'm gonna be sick all over your nice leather shoes. i'm sorry, but there's nothing i can do.

c0rr and i went to go pick up my grandma at her apartment/home thing and she was really really out of it... and we had to take her to the emergency room... was there til like 3:00am.... happy new year.

*12-29-00* 2:29 pm:
cold. like usual grrrr... damn i haven't talked to barb in a LONG time, i should give her a call sometime this weekend... oh yeah make sure you check out!!!!! cause DJterror kick's major ass :)

well gtg start revising my about page...

*12-28-00* 3:44 pm:
sorry to all of you who missed c0rr and my funky cam pic... but i wasn't gonna keep it up too long... i saved it though lol... yeah ask c0rr about my relationship with my computer... hehe.
went to my pop's today, fun fun. got to meet the new inlaws (dad's getting remarried) get to go to dinner with mom tonight, and get dressed up... maybe another cam pic.
evo1 told me something interesting yesterday :) seems i have some fans.... and some people who don't appreciate me also... a certain nay (not sure if you guys are formiliar with her lol yeah right) SUPPOSEDLY wrote some hate mail about Kat-atonic to evo1.... don't know exactly what it said or what not.. but that's what i heard.. for future reference:

i have an email address, if you want to say something about me, email ME. email link is on the top of the page on the left. ok?

*12-27-00* 12:06 pm:
i was correct in my assumption that i would not be updating on xmas day... i had the weirdest dream last nigh. it had to do with nunneries and insane asylums and c0rr not coming to see me in them. or something.and loss of memory over long periods of time. weird. i'm supposed to go wake c0rr this morn, but i can't cause my moms gonna straighten my hair, so i call him and tell him i'll see him later :) with my hair straight. oh my. hehe. awwwww c0rr slept over christmas night, twas a great time. found a sexxy pink lace bra yesterday at express i'm thinking about getting ::wink:: as soon as the mall calms down a bit... but got some cute clothes.. gotta pick something out to wear to see c0rr, hmmmm...... I GOT MY COMPUTER!!!! my "baby" is home, i sat and watched media player on her for an hour or so last night when i was uh altered. that was fun... she isn't allowed to be set up to the internet quite yet, so i will continue to update off of my mom's POS computer... but eventually (with the help of my brand spankin new webcam) i will be running Katatonic out of my room in the basement. whoo hoo.... fun fun times to come....

btw, i chickened out of going to church.

*12-24-00* 1:48 pm:
well, gotta make this quick, cause i gotta take a shower and then head to maumee to my papa's house. whoo hoo. i get to go to CHURCH. oh holy mother of god. i'm going to church. :::shock is settling in::: heh, prob never thought you'd see that happen eh? what's a mere 2 hours of boredom, when i get my computer tomorrow?

worked this morn, and accidently said "fuck" to evo1. who just happens to be my manager... and then Hentrix comes in, still stoned from last night, and it doesn't faze evo1 one bit. when i came in out of it from partying the night before, i got sent home, talked to by another manager and threatened to get written up. tell me what's up with that?

plus i'm not even attempting to call c0rr like i was supposed to (to exchange gifts and see each other) cause:
1) i don't have time
2) according to evo1, he's passed out after smoking all night and then getting his car stuck @ 6:00 am and having to call a tow truck.
3) i really don't have time.
4) i'll just see him tomorrow or something and he won't complain that we should wait til xmas, cause it will be xmas.
gtg take a shower and figure out what i'm wearing to this foreign place they call a "house of worship" or something. merry xmas if i don't update tomorrow :)

*12-24-00* 1:16 am:
merry xmas eve! Look:

timmytreacherous: check her page out.
x vandalizm x: really
timmytreacherous: yeah
x vandalizm x: yum.
timmytreacherous: yum? ;-)
x vandalizm x signed off at 18:10:33.
x vandalizm x signed on at 18:10:49.
timmytreacherous: heh.
x vandalizm x: yes, yum.
timmytreacherous: heh. yeah. she's yummi. :-)

well, of course work sucked... my hands are drier then fuck. actually, hopefully, when your fucking it's not dry.. cause that means... you prob don't need me to explain a woman's reaction to sexual stimulation, do you? b/c i'm not gonna.


i thought of a fun and exciting new way to do my "about me" page, but i'm not going to reveal it til it's done. "the anticipation is killing me..." too bad, youll still have to wait.

got glasses, they will appear on the cam sometime soon. when i get around to it... plus made a banner, it's not too great though. i will make more, so there's different ones. cause i was thinking about going on this cam page and ya need one. so i made one. dadada. ouch knee hurts. dammit. brent bit my butt today. what an interesting guy. lol. i never noticed til like a week ago that cigarettes say "underage sale prohibited" on the side of the box. how interesting. oh man, that's frightening... c0rr guessed right on who's legs are in the pic down an update.. errrr. huh.

timmytreacherous: i dont suck
timmytreacherous: buti still think i have the mark to prove you do. heh

(yeah, i realize it kinda sucks, i'll do a better one later)

*12-23-00* 11:55 am:
after a couple sips of my tequiza/pepsi, i realized that it was only going to make me more sick then i already was... so that went back in the fridge. but work SUCKED! and guess what?? i get to go back tonight! yay, 5:00 pm-100am... yesterday was 6:00 pm-1:00 am..... made mucho bucks though. i'm getting my glasses today, gonna be a nerdotron. yayayayayyaya. this sucks, i kept forgetting to tell my mom what kind of cd's i like. so she's not gonna get me any. i've wanted that god damn agnostic front cd for like 2 years now. ggggrrrrr lol oh well :P... no biggie, i'll get it someday when i have a paycheck that's burning a hole in my pocket. man i've been updating quite a bit lately. cool.

i'll give anyone a dollar who can figure out who's sexy legs these are (can't gaurantee it, but maybe even a date with the owner of them):

*12-22-00* 4:00 pm:
well, threw the tequiza into a two liter of pepsi cola... and uh drank some... now SG wants me to come in to work lol. dammit. uh. plus i can only see out of one eye and i have a shitty ass cold... gr what to do, what to do. they don't have anybody else to work and i said i would if they absolutely needed me. think i should drink some more?? i'm just worried about getting there... but it's only one beer. plus it's diluted with a whole buncha pepsi. plus it's not like i'm drinking the whole thing... hmmm maybe ill put it in a water bottle and drink the rest there hmmmm good plan :) wonder what time they want me there? hehe.

*12-22-00* 10:53 am:
note to c0rr: yes i did call you back, but your phone just kept ringing and ringing and ringing.. then i dialed the wrong number and somebody picked up and told me it was the wrong number, so i gave up for awhile. then i called again and it was busy, busy busy busy busy. and then i went to sleep.

have both of my contacts out, so i can't see. i'm still thinking about drinking that tequiza that's chillin in my fridge downstairs... i'm too sick to smoke. :( we'll see if i really don't though.. lol dammit. i woke up thinking that there was no way that i could, but right now a cig is sounding pretty damn good... been eating junk all morning b/c there's nothing else to do :(.... found a page that tells all about how to collect sugar packets. fun stuff eh? i searched for "dfkjg" and got this answer: nonsense... and this page really frightens me. it's not the crazy ass entries, but the fact that they repeat themselves over and over and over again :(..... i took the babe-test and only got a 33%.... (no it is not whether you are a "babe" or not, it's if you can tell who the people are. i only got uma thurman and cameron diaz) then i went to take a christmas quiz, but i decided not to link it, cause it was too hard. the first question was something like "how many reindeer besides rudulph pull santa's sleigh.. and even though rudulph the red nosed reindeer is playing on the radio, i couldn't stand the pressure.

*12-21-00* 12:55 pm:
ouch my eyes are being bitches again :( added stats to the site and an "inlive" thing that tells how many people are looking at my site when you are.... which will prob normally say "0" cause i would be very surprised if two people were actually looking at my site at the same time. i dont get too many visitors.. oh well... but i get to work tonight!yippee. poor evo1 had to close last night, come in this morn, and then has to close tonight. i think i would shoot myself... oh yeah, this is kind of old news now, but c0rr finally got a job... yay! lol. think i'm gonna take a bottle of tequiza from my mommy's party last night and drink it tonight. ;) i think i'm off to find a guest book...

*12-20-00* 6:48 pm:
called c0rr after i signed off earlier, and he was lying down.. BUT GUESS WHAT?? i get to go to BGSU next year! yay! hehe...

my mom's got a whole bunch of people here for some kind of xmas party. this species of loud women is unknown to me.... eating salads and drinking wine and tequiza, they laugh and giggle and smell like onions. had to go out and be introduced... "i want to see that movie with gweneth paltrow! it looks divine!" "my husband is marrying a 35 year old in a huge wedding" "my thought is they'll have a couple kids, then she'll divorce him" "yeah, yup yeah. you trained him, now she has him" "did you see that guy at banana joes??" "yeah, he thought you were pretty hot!" "there's something wrong with men now, they're just making them bad" "yeah there's not testosterone in here hahahaha" "the problem is, all these women just jump into bed..." blah blah blah. yippity yip yip.. gonna collect some food and then i think i'm going to pretend to shower and smoke some wacky tabbaccy.... pretty smooth eh? my eyes are ouch. they be all red anyhow from sleeping in my contacts.. yuck.

*12-20-00* 11:05 am:
still need to get some weed (which is not for myself btw lol) but last night got incredibly blitzed... thanks again Hentrix :) yeah, i can't drive while stoned. i know that. dammit. lol. but i did last night, practically killed myself and Redwurm a couple hundred times. didn't think we were gonna make it to SnS....

i apologize to c0rr for not calling him back when he page.... but i was just a tid bit out of it. so... i'll talk to you sometime today k? :) i apologize to evilraver, redwurm, and hentrix if i was acting a little odd... errr. yeah. btw i woke up still intoxicated and had to write a college English entry paper in second hour.. .lol yeah that worked.

*12-19-00* 3:03 pm:
xmas shopping is a ton of fun. let me tell ya.
i need to get a hold of some weed.
i would like more peircings.
clubbing sounds like fun.

*12-17-00* 5:34 pm:
stopped @ Willis's house today... i was happy cause when he introduced me to one of his friends i didn't know, the chick asked if i was his sister, and he's like "No, she's my bestfriend, well, my bestfriend that's a girl" made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
i found this rather amusing....

Diary Entries

AUG. 12 Moved to our new home in Ohio. It is so beautiful here. The hills are so majestic. I can hardly wait to see them with snow covering them. I love it here.

OCT. 14 Ohio is the most beautiful place on Earth. The leaves are turned all the colors and shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful hills and saw some deer. They are so graceful, certainly they are the most wonderful animal on Earth. This must be paradise. I love it here.

NOV. 11 Deer season will start soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Hope it will snow soon, I love it here.

DEC. 2 It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed in white. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (I won), and when the snowplow came by, we had to shovel the driveway again. What a beautiful place. I love Ohio.

DEC. 12 More snow last night. I love it. The snowplow did his trick again to the driveway. I love it here.

DEC. 19 More snow last night. Couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work. I am exhausted from shoveling. Fucking snowplow.

DEC. 22 More of that white shit fell last night. I've got blisters on my hands from shoveling. I think the snowplow hides around the corner and waits till I'm done shoveling. Asshole.

DEC. 25 Merry Fucking Christmas! More friggen snow. If I ever get my hands on that sonofabitch who drives that snowplow, I swear I'll kill the bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt the fucking ice.

DEC. 27 More of that White Shit last night. Been inside for 3 days except for shoveling out the driveway after that snowplow goes through every time. Can't go anywhere, cars stuck in a mountain of that White Shit. The weatherman says to expect another 10" of the shit again tonight. Do you know how many shovels full 10" of snow is?

DEC. 28 The fucking weatherman was Wrong. We got 34" of that white shit this time. At this rate it won't melt before the middle of next summer. The snowplow got stuck up the road and that bastard came to the door and asked to borrow my shovel. After I told him I had broken six shovels already shovelling the white shit he pushed into my driveway, I broke my last one right over his Fuckin' Head!

JAN. 4 Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get food and on the way back damned deer ran out in front of the car and I hit it. Did about \\$3000.00 worth of damage to the car. Those fucking beasts should be killed. Wished the hunters had got them all last November.

MAY 3 Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the motherfucker is rusting out from all the goddamn salt they put on the roads?

MAY 10 Moved to Florida. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind wanting to live in the God-forsaken state of Ohio.


tis the season to be giving....

*12-16-00* 12:54 pm:
well, i'm signing up for pron cause i'm a little whore lol yeah. click the link to get a "special santa holiday surprise" ::wink wink::: going to grandma's to make xmas cookies, and then to a mother/daughter bonding time movie outting. whoo hoo :)

*12-13-00* 9:39 pm:
there, you guys happy out there??? i've updated my page, not just once, but TWICE in one day!! amazing isn't it? i was supposed to go to SnS with Hentrix and Redwurm tonight, but when they were following me to my house, they got sucked into the blizzard of no return (dun dun duuuuu) actually it was my fault, but still :)

*12-13-00* 1:06 pm:
i have little white bumps on my left eye for some ungodly reason and can't wear my contact in it.. so i can't see.. it was quite interesting driving to school this morning in the dark/ice...
brr hands are frozen. i gotta work so come see me from 3-7pm tonight, ok?
anybody else hear about the mother who was breast feeding her 6 year old son? that's mighty disturbing...

yesterday, Eternal Monkey and i got into a heated discussion about questions, answers, thought, motivation, philosophy, and other shit. i'm surprised he didn't update about it like he said he was going to. Well they (Hentrix, Redwurm, Evol, Corr, and EM) were feigning superiority and saying that they were making my head explode. All i have to say is, never underestimate a redhead. we may seem ditsy, but unlike blondes there IS something underneath.
yesterday went to SnS by myself, and for some reason i'm very proud of that fact. i suppose it's b/c i don't exactly go to places like that by myself very often... went to go read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert PIRSIG (i spelled it wrong a couple of entries ago)... talked to my DUMB english teacher about why we didn't discuss any of the book in class and he avoided the answer by being like "it's independent reading" WELL DUMBASS, NO BODY IN THE CLASS UNDERSTOOD IT! you would think he would let us read Hamlet on our own, and do the other one in class. but no. that would be too rational.

my mom stole my car. she better be back before i have to work.

*12-12-00* 12:38 pm:
no school today! i was going to attempt to work on my page for a while, but i'm quickly getting bored for some reason. i think i need to get out of my house.... which i will once i'm done typing this... (cigarette run)... :::yawns::: life's a might boring lately, but i'd like it to stay that way... i wouldn't mind some excitement, i just hope it's good excitement and not bad excitement.... possibly explain later... off to KJ's

*12-10-00* 10:12 pm:
In the bathroom and in the car this seemed much more “real” then it does now. Fear what is fear? A feeling? Feelings are just chemical reactions? Craziness. Madness. Impossible. Our personalities. What makes up a personality? Is it the way we perceive things? Does my red=your blue? Or do we all see the same. Impossible to find out. Impossible to express how I see, taste, hear. That’s why people like different things, b/c they perceive them differently. “how can you like that?” one might ask. But they can like it b/c… lets say that you love chocolate, to the other person, eggs may taste like what your chocolate tasted like to you, therefore they love eggs. Matrix. The movie is irrelevant, if not impossible. The life in the matrix is…. Just as real as the life in the “real” life. That “real” life has to be a “matrix” to some other life. This is impossible, seeing as these “lives” would have to be infinite… but infinity is impossible. Has to be an end to infinity, but the direct meaning to infinity is no end. Which makes the meaning of infinity, impossible… but the meaning of infinity would have to exist, because what is after the end? What came first? The chicken or the egg? It may be said that they were created the same as any other form of life, all starting with the earth, but how did the earth start? And what started the earth? And what started that. The concept of “the big bang” theory makes sense, to a point. It doesn’t explain that much. Maybe that IS how the earth came about, but how did the big bang come about? It has been said that everything started with nothing, but the concept of “nothing” is impossible… why is “nothing” impossible? “nothing”=”death” both impossibilities. (even though impossibility tends to be impossible) can we die and just disappear? How would that be possible? “the world would go on without you” that is not true, b/c the world is your perceptions. It can’t exist without you. other people do not exist. Existence is based on your perception. When I die, and am in the ground, you will not exist. I will not exist. This brings back the “nothingness” which is yet again, impossible… currently I understand that it may be impossible for the human mind to comprehend these kind of questions. I do not believe there is anyway to find the answers…. A book I am reading called “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance” (by Richard prior, I think) says that the author’s “former personality” entertained the idea that every hypothesis creates more… and more… and more… which is entirely too true. Every answer creates a new question…. Is there a past or present? Does anything exist before this very second? This second? They’ve already past, therefore are questionable to their existence… which brings back the question of existence…. The impossibility of impossible. Religion. People believe in religion, out of pure laziness. “Romantic” (another reference to Zen and T A of M M, meaning they see things as the are and not how they mean, do not contemplate how and why, just accept.) people believe in religion, science being just another religion. The only concept that makes sense would be to believe in everything, and at the same time to believe nothing… it is said that “god created this, that, and the other thing” … it’s an easy answer, an answer so people, as a whole, do not go “insane” trying to find the answers to something they can not and will never be able to comprehend. A question of “how did this happen?” being answered “well, god wanted it that way” only goes so far… I have always believed that there had to be some sort of “higher being” but there has to be something more than even that. And more than that. Infinitely. Impossibly impossible. These questions tend to take me around in circles, which is why I usually avoid them. Madness, insanity. Chemicals in the brain? Having a death wish… but death doesn’t exist. It can not exist. I do not die. But it is all too easy to die. The fear of dieing, fear of unknown. But how can a person die? We see others “die” but is that really possible? “people will be sad if you die” but they won’t, b/c they won’t exist. Or maybe I just have reality issues… who knows.

*12-10-00* 3:30 pm:
argggghhhh evo1 is such a.... arggggghhhhh. what a pain in the ass... i don't want him to have to close wiht just him and john but i have to read the damn Zen book for english.. i guess i'll run in there and bring my book, and try to help?? :( anyway, gotta clean out the page... cause i've neglected it for a bit.... *11-26-00* 9:40 am: school. sleep. work. not nessesarily in that order... >^..^<
mmmm want mashed potatoes and katsup.. maybe cheese ball too :)... got slightly elevated last night... was actually fun! mar might apply to sufficient grounds.. another member to our caffinated family, yay!

stupid quote of the day:
"smart is not my maiden name." (from the people who brought you: "two halves do not make a quarter" and "blind people cant see")

book titles-
Levitation for Terrestrials - Robert Kingsley Morison, Ascent, 1977
Knife Throwing: A Practical Guide - Harry K. McEvoy, Rutland, VT.: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1973
Play With Your Own Marbles - J.J. Wright, S.W Partridge, c.1865
Fishing for Boys - J.H. Elliott, Harrap, 1961

news- 11/25/00
NORTHAMPTON, Massachusetts - The weather was a bit "nipply" for a group of women protesters while they fought for equal toplessness rights in the US. The Boobie Rights for Women and Men in Bras Brigade teamed up to make a firm stand for equal rights saying state law is unfair because it allows men to go topless in public but deems topless women indecent. As part of the protest, male demonstrators reportedly wore bras and offered them to male passers-by. Police officers were on hand to "observe" but made no arrests.

BURNAGE, Manchester - Things were almost cat-strophic when two-year-old Laura Jones threw Simba in the wash machine to clean off its muddy paws. Young Jones reportedly threw the cat in on a 'pre-wash' with the family clothes and even remembered to add fabric softener. Simba was rescued when Laura's brother Ben walked in the room and saw what was happening. Their mother Wendy ran down stairs to see what the commotion was about. "Laura had used up nearly a whole box of soap powder for the washing, so there were suds everywhere. When I told the vet what had happened he said it was a miracle that Simba had survived." Wendy explained.

WALTHAM ABBEY, Essex - A senior citizen was involved in a low speed chase after he decided to go for a cruise in his electric wheelchair along Britain's busiest motorway. The wheelchair driver began his drive along the M25's hard shoulder at junction 25 in Hertfordshire. He was tracked by CCTV cameras until a patrol car intercepted him near the M11 interchange in Waltham Abbey, Essex. According to Police Inspector Keith Fitzjohn, the man, whose name was not disclosed, was taken home after being "advised of the folly of driving an electric wheelchair on the M25."

*11-25-00* 1:57 am: >^..^<
oh man. i was trying to do frames. but i just can't get it right, cause im a moron. well. i'm pissed cause my manager made me close tonight (got back around 1 am) and then come in tomorrow at 8 am... stupid. stupid. mean. yeah. and my body aches again...... keeping my layout simple and stupid. for some reason, that seems to go well with me. maybe someday i'll attempt again. too tired tonight. if you want to come in to work tomorrow i work 8-11 btw. a funny thing happened tonight, my exboi troy came into my work... that jerk didn't even say hi.

*11-23-00* 12:23 am: >^..^<
Scott came into sufficient tonight! yay. haven't seen him in awhile. my lower body is numb except for the stabbing pain in my side and the aching in my shoulders and knees. yeah work kicked my ass.

*11-22-00* 4:01 pm: >^..^<
boiled turkey balls and katsup. yum.

oh yeah... checked out i don't know about his cam girl reviews.. i'd get very upset from being judged so harshly. i can understand why he does it though. it is quite amusing (as long as its not you) plus he prob thinks it makes him look respectable and cool. which, oddly enough it kind of does. in an extremely needy asswhole kinda way. first one i read was the funniest... the hawaii girl one. brrrrrr i love snow. i was driving back from picking up my contacts yesterday and had to roll down my window and look at the snow coming down. love snow, love snow. just wish it wasn't so damn cold. have a beautiful new board ***not just another whore*** people should start going to my chat too. yeah. i'm kidding. i'm practically the only one that goes in there. and when im in there, i open up two windows and talk to myself, cause i think it's so neat that i have a chatroom lol. damn. somebody email me with some crazy ass shit to put in the crack monkey motel. my creative juices dried up a long time ago.

*11-21-00* 6:19 pm: >^..^<


It was brought to my attention that i haven't updated in about 2 weeks, so i figured i'd do something about it.
i've been reading.
uh, i think that's it.
oh yeah school.
corr decided he was going to commit suicide b/c of me. check that out Sin7 .

"I’m not like George Bush. If he wins or loses, life goes on. I’ll do anything to win." - Al Gore

Hope for delays!!!

FAT WRECK CHORD UPDATE!!!!!(from Fat Wreck Chord's newsletter)
Just in time for Thanksgiving! Yes indeed, the new Sick Of It All record will be available in stores November 21st or you can order it right now from Fat Wreck Chords. "Yours Truly" is SOIA's second Fat full length and we highly recommend it for your Turkey Day festivities. Imagine it: gravy, Grandma, yams, and flying fists! "Yours Truly" will finally provide you with a reason to give thanks!
"Hi all, Fat Mike here. I wanted you guys to know some of my favorite stuff lately, so I made a list. Here goes:
My favorite new band: Fabulous Disaster
My new favorite cocktail: White wine with Tequila chaser
New fave movie: Romper Stomper
Fave new record: Lillingtons "Broadcast Backchannel"
Uhh, that's all I can think of for now. Oh yeah, you should read our newsletter too."
-Fat Mike
* First off, don't forget to check out Sick Of It All's new full length, "Yours Truly", which'll be in stores November 21st! Check out a nifty little preview of the album by going here: Sick Of it All
And do your part in spreading the word by sending your buddies a Sick Of It All e-card. It's really easy and your friends will think you're a total badass! To become a badass go here: Sick of it all
** By this time you should already own Less Than Jake's new full length, "Borders & Boundaries". If not, you suck. Oh yeah, they're on tour with Bon Jovi right now. Don't ask.
*** The return of Propagandhi is upon us! Their third full length, "Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes", is to be released February 6th, 2001. This album WILL rock your lame ass. To hear the song "Back To The Motor League", just check out the mp3 section at Fat Wreck Chords!
**** New Fat Wreck Chords compilation to be out in spring 2000! That's right, Volume V, "Live Fat Die Young" will be out early next year and here's the best part: the comp will feature ALL UNRELEASED tracks from your fave Fat bands!
***** Vinyl lovers take note! Fat currently has a slew of colored vinyl available through mailorder...while supplies last of course! Check out the news section at for specific details. And don't forget, Fat Club is coming! Fat Club is members only 7" singles club which will feature singles from punk bands both great and small! Stay tuned!
****** New records from Frenzal Rhomb, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, and Mad Caddies out early next year. 2001 will truly be the year of the Fat!

*11-9-00* 9:04 am: >^..^<
whoo hoo! 2 hour delay! two in a row, baby. hell yeah. anyway, i had evo1's email wrong before, but i fixed it, don't worry. i know it's prob not gonna help b/c the only people who visit my site are r3dwurm, c0rr, and evo1 anyway. (well maybe n3cco?) who knows. scraped some of my happy candy and ate it... we'll see if i'm feeling coherant and happy later :). gore's leading florida i hear? good good. that's how it's gotta be. damn have to go to school in like 15. blah. crash, you suck for getting to stay home.... mustard plug, yo! "skankin' by numbers every night and day, skankin' by numbers is the only way." well, gtg smoke :).

*11-8-00* 12:42 pm: Gore.
evo1 keep up sin7!

*11-7-00* 6:15 pm:
I'M SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR ANYTHING I DO IN THE FUTURE. (i'm not planning on doing something, but you guys know me.)
VOTE for who you think should be the next Sin Girl:
(pics may take a little bit to show up)


*11-6-00* 12:55 pm:
damn. i want to be a "Sin Girl". nobody prob want to see me though :(..... hm i'll think about it in a month. That's right, Kat's LEGAL in exactly a month today! the NitroJen Gallery is back up.... i checked it out. got a little sick of just seeing naked pic's of NitroJen... nothing interesting really until like pic 16.(or maybe it was 19.. or both?) Need some BJ pic's or's all about the action shots. yeah i'd spice it up, it needs some red (j/k... ok,well, semi-kidding) just get me feeling good on xtc and i'd prob do it..... errrr.... that's prob not good. oops. hey c0rr this is for you lol

muhahaha. i'd like to say that pic 20 is not very uh appealing? just figured you'd like to know. yeah. damn english paper i have to write.. gr.brrr it's coldddddddd. i'll prob update later when i get sick of writing my 4 page critical analysis on a 4 page short story. I HATE HIGHSCHOOL!

*11-4-00* 1:37 pm:
crazy shit goes on in the dark.
if you want to know the TRUTH about raving, check out this site: Raves: All-night-dance-parties of DEATH
if you want to play dress up with jesus, check this out: Dress Up Jesus Paper doll

*11-3-00* 12:00 pm:
just doing my semi-bi-monthly cleanup on the page... well, gtg change and head over to c0rr's house before he goes back to school. i guess i should leave you with a quote...
"why are you so petrified of silence? here can you handle this? -----------------------------------------------------did you think about your bills? your ex? your deadlines? or when you think your gonna die? or did you long for the next distracion?"
-alanis morisette

*10-30-00* 6:35 pm:

atleast it's still there?
Catalina02 (10:53:47 PM): come over and have sex with me
^ can you believe that once was?

i had a bikini kill quote, but i copied c0rr's member info for aim...and un-copied the quote :(... grrrr. dim dim dim, what am i gonna do with you? better yet, what am i gonna do w/out ya? blah... lotsa homework to do... gr. English Homework Help it's really cold in here.... evo1 was wrong. c0rr did talk to me. (btw, i really appreciate that dimmy.)

"don't tell me it don't matter don't tell me i've had three days to get over it it won't go away it just won't go away" Bikini Kill

*10-29-00* 7:49 pm:
i am a loser.
i wish i could drown myself in a pool of my own blood.
then maybe i wouldn't be such a fucking bitch.
but im too much of a coward.
not to glorify suicide or anything.

*10-26-00* 8:11 pm:
yeah i wish i knew wtf i'm doing. my god i f'n suck. "if you were a queen i'd be your flippin king"........ listening to the 'go' soundtrack. pretty rockin. hung out with barb and nick today... twas fun. different. locked my keys in my house this morn and had to walk to school. that was grand. let me tell yah. but wtf is going on with me and c0rr you ask? well to tell you the bloody truth, i have not a clue. "feel like i've been torn apart there are peices here i don't know where they go" as for the facts: we broke up, now we are back together.... not knowing for how long... check out my feelings on the issue kat <3's c0rr.... c0rr has already read this.. and well i don't know wtf is going. i still care about him a lot and i just can't figure anything out. ah. man. life sucks. i think i'm gonna hold my head under water for a few minutes. see if i pass out.

*10-25-00* 1:15 pm:
ahhh head ache.... lol some person im'd me while i was talking to Evol with the s/n "l1ve women" with a silly p0rn ad or something so i told them to talk to evol... muhahahaha, check out the log on Sin7..... should be mighty fun reading material...added a crack chat. goto Crack change the name. click in the name box, type it in, click change. not hard.

*10-23-00* 11:27 AM:
WTF that was the weirdest feeling.. in the computer lab today @ school and i take my usual visit to Sin7 and all of a sudden some half naked chica pops up on my screen.. i'm like "oh shit, better scroll down before my teacher sees it..." so i do... but while scrolling down.. i'm like "ohmygod. i know that girl." it was then that i realized the pic was of jen. so i come home and check out Sin7 again to make sure my eyes did not decieve me... which they didn't oddly enough.... some sick twisted part of my brain compelled me to continue to the NitroJen gallery.... facinated that she had the balls (or whatever) to pull this off.. when i prob couldn't......but i'm a wimp like that.

last night was mucho crappy.....c0rr you can't disapear. haha.

*10-20-00* 8:14 AM:
I despise being awake this early. tis a sucky thing. was kind of amusing going to school today. pull up and flashing red, white, and blue lights everywhere... haha somebody was lighting paper on fire in the hallway and it was thought to be evacuated.. school started @ 7:50 approx. big scary bug in am gov. thanks c0rr for helping me out so i can update at school. yeah i'm cool like that. i want to sleep.

*10-17-00* 10:28 pm:
today i was supposed to pick up senior pic's.. didn't have time. blah. well, updated quite a bit last night, but didn't log it in cause too tired and i forgot. added archives page. new logo... w/ entrence page. eventually i'll get to doing the domain name thing... anyways, talked to c0rr for awhile on the phone about replacing him with my body pillows. (everybody tell him he's an idiot for taking me seriously...) hung up with him, fell asleep on couch. two hours later, mom wakes me up to go to bed..... i go downstairs, half asleep, get ready for bed, go into my room. AND LOCKED MYSELF IN. yes. i am a genius.
i didn't have a door nob cause we were painting, and i accidentally closed the door.... grrr. had to call upstairs, took about ten min to get ahold of mom.... she came down, we couldn't figure out how to get it undone, but then we were so delerious we were both hysterically laughing. (me laughing and crying) i was so scared i'd have to pee in a can... gr. anyway, called up c0rr to see if he could tell us how to get me out... i couldn't stop laughing, so he thought i was messed up on some mind altering substance. which i wasn't. but my mom eventually got me out, so all was good. went to sleep with my twin body pillows yum. woke up this morn, and there was a cricket in my hot pink shower.

"Poor little amputated cricket, lying on the mat by my side door.... poor little amuputated cricket.. you would have been a good cricket... but you don't have your leg-anymore...."

*10-15-00* 7:05 pm:
Today was sylvania's fall festival. first year since 1st grade that i haven't gone.. too bad. sleep/rest day, verge of emotional/physical collapse. didn't go over to c0rr's house today... too lazy.. read update on Sin7 and was QUITE disturbed... considering it was between my boyfriend and one of my best friends... hm. don't know what to think of that. anyway. added one page version of DanceSafe's slide show on what ectasy does to your brain.. also updated the About your Creator page.... put my cam on it. here's a pulsating fun section of a book i read today..... enjoy:)

Little Girl Lost by Adrianne Lee

"He moaned, mumured her name, the word raspy. Ragged.Urgent. 'I want you now.'

'Me, too.' She began kissing her way back to his mouth. he placed the condom in her hand and a moment later, she straddled his body with hers, lowering herself onto him slowly, savoring their joining, prolonging the raptuous bliss.

Chad's eyes glazed with pure joy and she felt certain he was seeing the same in her eyes. She smiled at him, lifting her hips, then plunging downward again and again, gradually increasing the speed of each thrust as the euphoria built to a frenzied pitch.

Delirium hummed through her, careening her highter into the realm of total pleasure, total joy carrying her over the peak of ecstasy in one exploding release that shuddered through her every limb.

She felt Chad tighten inside her a second later, his shattering climax bringing her yet another.

Languid and replete, she collapsed on him, and within minutes, was asleep."

Harlequin Romance

*10-12-00* 12:51 pm:
brrr cold.. c0rr is in a ticked off mood today. :( goin on and on about how i can't go to evil raver's get together.... but i have to work. not like i can do anything about that, right? i could call off, but i'm not going to for a party. nope, save that stuff for important stuff like emergencies and such. PLUR. haha. yeah. well. i should go take a shower, hot shower. yum warm h2o. btw evol, where the heck did the cams go? do they just not show up on my computer or something? they went bye. ???? confused.

my mom is a stupid whore. just sharing. she tried to get me off the computer even though i just got on.... stupid mean head. anyway... interesting day... ask c0rr about his hoodie.... yeah. lol. and i'd like to shout out a BIG thanks to evil raver for his perfect timing. lol. dammit... he owes me french fries. left my pager over at c0rr's house... so if anybody's trying to get ahold of me.. that's where that is.. although people aren't usually trying to get ahold of me.. so i guess it doesn't really matter...

oh yeah... side note: my hair is magenta.

*10-8-00 10:14 pm*
got off work.. was doing ecommerce homework.. but got distracted with horoscope things. notice the beautiful new c0rr site i added.... lol man i'm not obsessive or anything. i swear. yeah.
btw i can smoke now.... :))))))))

over at c0rr's... :) went to homecoming with morpheus(sp?) last night. guess i pissed c0rr off... hehe sorry. anyway... um what did i do? put lyrics up on rants page.... had a tid bit to drink last night whoo hoo... lol... i don't know. tired. sleep. need. sleep. yeah i do need sleep. punk. feel like a blah. but c0rr has pic's of me on his computer. hehe. and went to see evol@ SG. CAN'T TYPE DAMMIT. done... for now.

thinking about actually doing the hair page off of crack monkey.. but i don't know. gtg to work in a bit... added links in my updates. plus edited sorta my about me page. nothing really going on there yet. hands are cold.. brrrrrr. c0rr just im'd me... so i guess i'm done?

Blah was "grounded" from the computer, b/c of my mother's temporary insanity. parents suck. lalala. gtg get senior pics in a couple min. whoo hoo. wrote some stuff for my page, can't put it on there yet don't have time. uh. added some quotes. but oh well. plus technically i can HALF smoke. lol i can have half a cig. whoo hoo. lol. dammit.

oh god.. this sucks.... very frustrated. yet a bit happy i suppose....pain in the ass the web is. had a fun fun asthma attack... yup. ouchy. it sucked. my throat feels all closed.. eeek. NOT fun. dammit. I can't do anything cool with this page yet. i'm just happy i got a damn graphic on the fucking thing. god. if i wasn't such an idiot, this might be easier..... well should go to bed, prob gonna sleep through alarm again tomorrow.. bah on that.